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Friday 1 February 2013

Day 2 in braces:

So I slept very well but woke up in a fair amount of pain. The pressure of the brackets realigning my teeth has caused alot of strain and my jaw is fairly achey. I've been on paracetamol up until 2pm and swapped to some stronger meds. But unfortunately they're making me quite drowsy/sick so I've been having on and off naps. I went to school as normal but lunch was a real challenge. I made a soft bread sandwich with paté and I just couldn't manage biting it. A satsuma was okay and a soft cookie in pieces. Drinking water is making me feel a bit better. But if the pain continues tomorrow Mum has said we'll get some kind of numbing cream or gel as it's hard to cope at times. I forgot how much the first week hurts :-( I've had some rice and chicken for tea and that was okay but I'm more worried about feeling faint because I don't bother eating if it's painful! Hopefully things will get better soon...

Pain: 6/10
Inconvenience: 7/10

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