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Wednesday 30 January 2013

So it begins!

So this is my first post in hopefully what will be a long string of them. Over the last few months I have made the difficult decision to go through with jaw surgery to correct my underbite. It is an issue that I find a daily struggle, but goes unnoticed by most people around me. I point it out and they're usually taken aback as they don't notice it at all. It has been picked out by immature children in past years but I've always been self-conscious of it on my own. I wanted to make a blog/vlog so I could record the progress of my treatment and look back on it all with something as a comparison. My video pretty much outlines my whole past treatments in orthodontics up until about a four/five months ago when we stopped with my clear retainer as it would be unnecessary if I decided to get braces. Which I have! Tomorrow's the big day and it's strange that I'm nervous because I've had them before! But this will be the first time I've had metal on both jaws. I'm fairly excited as this is something I've always wanted and it'd be lovely to look at my profile and not want to cry because I just feel so distorted.I'm going to make an update about braces as the months go on up until my Bi-maxillary osteotomy (double jaw surgery) next year. 

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