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Friday 23 May 2014

2 weeks! (Well just over!)

It's been just over two weeks since the op, and time has flown by!
Currently eating a diet of mainly soups, soft pasta/rice/potato dishes, brioche/soft bread and juice. Last week we realised I'd lost half a stone in the space of about 6 days, so I've been trying to ensure I maintain a steady (inevitable) weight loss that doesn't get too silly when I have days I don't feel like eating. I've managed to wean myself down to only occasionally taking paracetamol which seems to be working well! Last week I managed to go out with my school's art department for a curry to celebrate our final exams and managed to eat some rice and sauce (which was beautifulll.) I've generally attempted to slowly build in more walking, and interacting that I would do on a normal weekly basis. I had my second orthodontic and first maxillofacial post-op yesterday and they are impressed with how well my swelling has gone down and how well I'm generally doing! I'm continuing to wear elastics at my front hooks to align my front teeth more but this isn't a major thing and shouldn't take long! I have another check up for this on June 5th! I would have liked to update more but it's almost exam season so revision is mental at the moment, I will be recovering more after June 18th! 
Here is a comparison of before surgery, and 2 weeks after!

Elastics when I got them about a weeek ago!

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