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Thursday, 7 February 2013

Vlog Braces Update!!

Hello everyone!
Sorry it's been a while I've been doing a lot of Photography coursework recently.
And frankly the first few days of my braces I was a mess and couldn't control my mouth at all!
It's gotten better though. I still have some pain in my jaw because of the increased pressure on my mouth and I find it quite difficult/scary to chew some foods. Scary because it feels like my brackets are going to be pushed off! However I'm feeling pretty positive about it :-) A fair few people haven't made a big deal of them or just said they suit me, or it hasn't phased them at all! Which is brilliant 'cause I didn't want it to overly get in the way of my normal life. I'm getting metal rings on my teeth next month to create gaps at the back (I'm assuming so my jaw/teeth can be moved in the right direction/place). But... yeah... everything's going great for now :-)

Saturday, 2 February 2013

Day 3 in braces!

I've had a fairly busy day today, I went shopping with a good friend for a nice catchup and my jaw wasn't as bad as yesterday! Although I've swapped to ibruprofen instead of paracetamol to manage the pain. I have work tomorrow so hopefully it won't be too much trouble as my consultant says if it's still painful to go back in. The pharmacist got me a (magic!!) gel called oragel (extra strength) that I put on my upper and lower gums to occasionally numb the aching for a while . I'm also finding the wax they provide you with massively helpful however it's often tricky to know where your mouth is being skewered! Also quite a few people I saw today didn't even notice the new metally teeth I've aqquired - success! :-)

Pain: 5/10
Inconvenience: 6/10

Friday, 1 February 2013

Day 2 in braces:

So I slept very well but woke up in a fair amount of pain. The pressure of the brackets realigning my teeth has caused alot of strain and my jaw is fairly achey. I've been on paracetamol up until 2pm and swapped to some stronger meds. But unfortunately they're making me quite drowsy/sick so I've been having on and off naps. I went to school as normal but lunch was a real challenge. I made a soft bread sandwich with paté and I just couldn't manage biting it. A satsuma was okay and a soft cookie in pieces. Drinking water is making me feel a bit better. But if the pain continues tomorrow Mum has said we'll get some kind of numbing cream or gel as it's hard to cope at times. I forgot how much the first week hurts :-( I've had some rice and chicken for tea and that was okay but I'm more worried about feeling faint because I don't bother eating if it's painful! Hopefully things will get better soon...

Pain: 6/10
Inconvenience: 7/10

Thursday, 31 January 2013

😁 Braces time!

So my appointment went very well! My consultant explained the process and my next couple of appointments (in March.) Today I got put on my brackets and wires (6's... whatever that means!) and, for once, I got to choose a colour! The 9 year old in me is finally happy! I chose a kind of light blue/purple :-) My next appointment on the 7th of March I'm getting metal rings on my back teeth to create gaps and get the process going! And the week after I think we're sorting elastics. No one understands how happy I am that this had started! I've been pretty sore for most of today and taking paracetamol where possible from the pressure. I had pasta for lunch which was okay but a little tricky. I'm going to attempt to eat noodles in a while so fingers crossed haha! I've also started adjusting to filling meals so no need to have snacks and mainly a water based drinking diet. And I've bought some magazines to accomodate the time where I just feel a little too sore/tired to do anything. It sounds really dramatic but I just feel very drained... I haven't made a video today as it's been a fairly non-stop one and I'll try make one tomorrow!

Brace day!

My appointment has been brought forward from 11:15 to 10:30 so I will be going in earlier in a bit! I've taken two paracetamol in case I have a bit of an ache later on. I'm not entirely sure if the brackets they put on will allow me to have colours but I hope they do as I've never been able to have coloured appliances! It's silly haha but it'd make the whole process a bit nicer :-) I will update about how it goes and what gets done later!

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

So it begins!

So this is my first post in hopefully what will be a long string of them. Over the last few months I have made the difficult decision to go through with jaw surgery to correct my underbite. It is an issue that I find a daily struggle, but goes unnoticed by most people around me. I point it out and they're usually taken aback as they don't notice it at all. It has been picked out by immature children in past years but I've always been self-conscious of it on my own. I wanted to make a blog/vlog so I could record the progress of my treatment and look back on it all with something as a comparison. My video pretty much outlines my whole past treatments in orthodontics up until about a four/five months ago when we stopped with my clear retainer as it would be unnecessary if I decided to get braces. Which I have! Tomorrow's the big day and it's strange that I'm nervous because I've had them before! But this will be the first time I've had metal on both jaws. I'm fairly excited as this is something I've always wanted and it'd be lovely to look at my profile and not want to cry because I just feel so distorted.I'm going to make an update about braces as the months go on up until my Bi-maxillary osteotomy (double jaw surgery) next year.