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Thursday 10 April 2014

And it gets worseee

Received a letter this morning detailing that my surgical admission has been cancelled.
They have had to prioritize another surgery, which is absolutely valid. However, naturally I am very upset.
I'm hoping to hear from a consultant about rearranging for next week sometime, but it is most likely going to be 6th May. Trying to stay positive.

Wednesday 9 April 2014

So, massive catch up!

Hello all!
I've been very busy over the last year with coursework, work and A-Levels in general! So I haven't had much (any) time to keep a regular update on how my course of treatment has gone.
In summary:

  • I have been having an orthodontic appointment at hospital every 2 months or so. This has become a fairly regular part of my routine and I consider it quite normal. However, it can be difficult explaining this normality in my life, to others who don't understand the commitment and trouble it can be.
  • I have had hooks on my wires that allow me to attach small elastics to pull my jaw slightly more forward (lower jaw.) This started as alllll the time and was a MASSIVE inconvenience. It has progressively decreased to only wearing them during sleeping hours, which is much more manageable. I used to have to carry around little elastic bands everywhere and explain to people what I was doing... yeah.
  • I have had a few clinic appointments where basically my surgeon meets with my orthodontist and I to discuss how to carry on.
  • This is how I came to recent events. My last appointment I had my impressions/moulds done to prepare how the surgery will take place.
  • I also know that my surgery should be taking place next Tuesday (15th April.) 
  • I am super, super excited; but quite anxious. It's been a long time coming and I'm just so excited to see the results and start recovery towards a happier, healthier jaw!